Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Busy New York Posted by Hello

darn pigeons! Posted by Hello

Famous yellow cabs Posted by Hello

apartment near central park, look at the detail in the building, so crazy! Posted by Hello

from a NY street vendor Posted by Hello

A listing of the victims from 9/11. Taken at ground zero Posted by Hello

The World Trade Center, Ground Zero Memorial Posted by Hello

times square pic Posted by Hello

times square! Posted by Hello

American flag on Wall Street Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

bawston, massachussets

Americans eat way too much. I can't believe how much food there is down here! I know I was warned but still, it's almost to the point of ridiculous. I've been here for less than 48 hours and already I've had all-you-can-eat fresh boiled lobsters, an amazing seafood casserole stuffed with countless scallops and jumbo shrimp, seafood ravioli, beer (open bar yesterday!) and an endless supply of all the snacks you could ever want all day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all buffets. They said i'd gain 10 lbs in 3 weeks, I bet I could do it sooner....

It's kind of neat to have so many different international ppl around. We have spanish, korean, portugese, italian, german, japanese, singaporean, malaysian, american, canadian, african, swedish, dutch, french, mexican and columbian representatives in our class. It's just neat to sit around dinner and learn about what it's like to live some place else.

Speaking of dinner, I think I might have had too much to drink before dinner last night. It was my class's first dinner all together and I decided to make a toast:

"Here's to another 3 weeks of hell!"

haha, it's going to be a fun 3 weeks!

Friday, April 01, 2005


Some sudden nervousness about sharing at ACF tonight...What should I share about? Will people even care or relate with what I'm wanting to share? Do I really believe what I'm going to share? Oh Lord, help me....