Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Ocean's 12 SUX


Monday, December 20, 2004


I'm so bored at work. I'm done all my studying and I'm ready to start
following around some field engineers but there's one problem. It's the holidays.
Lots of manufacturing facilities are closed or just don't want to be bothered so here
I am doing nothing for the next 2 weeks. yay.

Since I'm doing nothing, I've been looking at replacing my credit card with a better one.
I read that the citibank enrich card is pretty good, any of you have any ideas?

I'm going to go watch Ocean's 12 tonight! Chris can't come though because she's at her
grand parents for dinner. Should I wait for her to go see it or should I just go with my friends?
She told me to go but if there's one thing I've learned it's that girls never mean what they say!
Wish me luck! decisions decisions...

Friday, December 17, 2004

Well, today I didn't have to go to the office for work, I was out in mississauga visiting an aluminum extrusion facility. Kinda neat to see them turn aluminum logs about the size of firewood into long bars for construction and cars. Ok ok, i'm a geek, maybe I'm the only one who finds it interesting..haha, dumb engineers right? (That's what Christina always says when I say something engineery)

Anyhow, it looks like my plans for the holidays are getting more and more full...Chris is back in town so we have our own plans (not yet but I'll think of good plans soon...) I saw my high school friends and they're planning stuff...I'm sure ACF will have stuff....Church friends are planning stuff....
So where's my holiday again? Oh yeah, I'm the newbie at work so I don't get much holiday either...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Picture of a crane across the street from my work. Taken from the lunch room when I was supposed to be working..haha Posted by Hello

Welcome to the REAL city Brian

Good to have dinner with some people I haven't seen in a long time. Brian, welcome to the center of the universe: Toronto.

I ate way too much and am going to have an awful time sleeping those 8 fajitas off.

Anyhow, someone emailed me mentioning that I didn't really talk much about my job in my last email. To be honest, God has really blessed me with a lot in this job and as much as possible, I don't want to sound proud of it because I really don't deserve everything that I have so I was vague in my last post.

With that in mind, I'll be a little more descriptive of what I actually do. My title is a loss prevention consultant. I visit all sorts of facilities in every area industry and analyze the property's risk of fire, flood, equipment damage, production bottlenecks, etc. I'll be working out of home and because of that, they've provided me with everything I need to work from home (car, phone, internet, etc etc.). So in a nutshell, that's what I'm doing. My training won't be complete until about this time next year so I've got lots to learn!

On another note, as you can see from the pictures posted below, I've been busy with my photography. I got some black and white film, a tank to develop and some chemicals and voila, cheap easy-to-develop pictures. I also decided to splurge on a film scanner and man, I'm impressed by its quality! I printed out the guitar pic on my HP cheapo all-in-one printer I got from work and the pics came out way beyond what I expected so I think I have a good system working now:

1. roll my own film
2. take good pictures <- to be improved
3. develop myself
4. scan on film scanner
5. learn to photoshop edit <- to be improved too
6. print out on printer
7. valuable picture that will be
worth something someday <- I can dream can't I?

Someone at work today asked for a copy of one of the crane pic I posted above so I'm already one step closer to being a good photographer!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

If any of you know who this girl is, tell me! I took it at church and have no idea who this is. Posted by Hello

This is a pic I took of Audrey as she was playing guitar Posted by Hello

1st update

So my first update. Here we go!

Most of you probably already know but I guess I should start with my new job. Yeah, I'm working now and have been for the past month. I'm working for an insurance company. Don't bother asking how in the world an electrical engineer ends up there because I have no idea. I just know that it's a great job with perks and that I can only explain getting it because of God. How do I know it's because of God? I tried so hard to find a job for 3 months and got nothing and when I stopped trying, God dropped it in my lap and gave me everything I wanted and 100 times more. God is good.

Inaugural Ceremony

I said I'd never get a blog but I guess after reading everyone else's for the past few years, I realize that it's a great way for people to see what i'm up to without actually trying.

I guess that's how our society is nowadays: talk to someone on msn but not really put the effort into calling or webcam with someone but not actually go visit them. And now with me, you can read this and not wonder what I've been up to. The joys of technology.