Sunday, January 23, 2005

Random update

Well, it's been awhile since I've written anything here...

I have a laptop from work and they've locked me out of my laptop so I can't install anything, check my email, play games, etc etc....until now. I have an extra hard drive and just ordered a case for it to fit the laptop. Now I can swap work/play hard drives pretty easily. Yay! I know, I'm a geek. I'm installing windows now as i'm typing this.

My church friends can't decide where to go for holiday. Here was the progression of our decision:

1. Cancun - warm, presidential suite, all you can eat...$1200
2. Vancouver - cheap, good food,
3. Nova Scotia - lobster....expensive trip
4. Chicago - expensive....probably get shot
5. New York - even more expensive, get shot and mugged
6. back to Cancun - poor students in school can't afford it...
7. back to Chicago - boring...expensive....
8. back to Vancouver - FINAL DECISION! yay!

So Vancouver it is...from April 23 to May 1st. This should be fun. Too bad we won't go camping though...ah well, maybe later in the summer I'll go back to Vancouver to go camping.

I've already planned out some holiday for this year...

April 23-May 1st - Vancouver
August 22 - Atlanta, GA
Aug 31-Sep 2 - Backcountry camping trip
Dec 28-30 - Christmas holiday

I still have 6 or 8 more days on top of that so probably another trip to Vancouver with Christina. This will be a fun year....


Anonymous said...

acf camping?!?!!??!!?

want to organize brodeur? u know u want tooooo! :D


naomi said...

booooooo fobbie, you should've come to atlanta with kathy and i! although u probably picked a better time of year (we're going first week of march)

Fobbert said...

Jo, I think it's time to pass the baton on to another schmuck to plan the ACF trip! Btw, if you want to book for august 1st long weekend, books start at the end of January, get someone to do it now!

Naomi, you guys are going to atlanta this march!? boo! come in August! i'll be down there for firefighting school....yup, u read that right, Rob in yellow firefighting gear, saving damsels in distress.


Anonymous said...

brodeur in a firefighter outfit? *chill*

we already have to book now? how many sites did we book last year? ooh i hope you guys come if we decide to have ppl to book it. do ya think the grads would go?!?!?! its aug 1st wknd right?


naomi said...

er?! you're giving up the rarified air of the engineering world and trading it in for a big, noisy, red truck, a dalmation, and suspenders? please inform!