Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Where are the chinese!???

I've had some time to think about this past weekend and the Global Day of Prayer. God really mobilized His people to pray for our city and our country this past sunday.

I was overjoyed and at the same time, heart-broken. Let me explain. I was so happy that so many people came and so many people prayed. At the same time, I realized there was something missing. Almost every nationality was represented except for one, chinese people.

WHERE WERE ALL THE CHINESE CHURCHES? The planning committee phoned TWO HUNDRED chinese churches trying to get them to come out and what happened!? Hardly any came. How could they pass up on joining the rest of world in prayer? I was so disappointed to hear the responses they gave when asked if they want to participate:

"We're doing our own thing"

"The airport church is involved? I don't think we should join"

"We'll hand out the flyers but we won't really push for it"

What lame excuses.

"For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory."

Isaiah 66:18

The chinese churches need to wake up and smell the coffee. I can't wait until God comes and rocks the boat in these churches, they need it. I say that lovingly, believe it or not!


Anonymous said...

I would say I agree about the Chinese churches but generalize some more. Being there, I saw very little ASIANs in general. However, the Asians I did see WERE Chinese. If anything, I didn't say many Japanese, Koreans, Viet. etc. It's so amazing to see people unite in worship and in prayer. It's too bad there couldn't be more representation from the Asian community but in all fairness, I think it's because the Asian community (in general) aren't very charasmatic and GDOP was more of a charasmatic event. That's a whole other issue.

Fobbert said...

That's exactly what I was hoping Sunday would NOT be...a charismatic event. Overall, I thought it ended up being rather balanced.

People need to realize that the church as a whole comprises of both the charismatic and the conservative. We all play a role and are just a piece of God's puzzle. The charismatic is unbalanced without the conservative and vice versa....

You are right though, the GDOP was lacking an asian presence in general....