Friday, December 17, 2004

Well, today I didn't have to go to the office for work, I was out in mississauga visiting an aluminum extrusion facility. Kinda neat to see them turn aluminum logs about the size of firewood into long bars for construction and cars. Ok ok, i'm a geek, maybe I'm the only one who finds it interesting..haha, dumb engineers right? (That's what Christina always says when I say something engineery)

Anyhow, it looks like my plans for the holidays are getting more and more full...Chris is back in town so we have our own plans (not yet but I'll think of good plans soon...) I saw my high school friends and they're planning stuff...I'm sure ACF will have stuff....Church friends are planning stuff....
So where's my holiday again? Oh yeah, I'm the newbie at work so I don't get much holiday either...


Simon said...

i say the same thing to connie.

silly engineers, hahaha

kathy said...

fobbert has a blog! more stuff to read...

being the newbie also means u can say, "i don't know, i'm new here" hahahaa...