Friday, December 01, 2006

I've been so blessed with my job over the past 2 years and the icing on the cake is that I will be going to Australia and New Zealand this coming Christmas. It begins with a 2-week holiday to spend time with my mom in Melbourne, Australia, and then I'll be travelling to New Zealand and Sydney, Australia, for 4 weeks of work. I hope to come back talking like an aussie, but we'll see!

I'm really looking forward to spending time with my mom. Just too bad that the real reason for the trip (Christina coming to meet my mom) fell through as she couldn't find a flight back to Canada in time for the January school start.

Anyhow, I plan on taking LOTS of pictures down there. Part of my travels will take me into Wellington, New Zealand, where Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings production was based out of and where much of the footage was shot. I can't wait!

I might be forced to wear long sleeves though. Christina's orders are that I don't tan too much otherwise by the time the wedding rolls around, I'll be african-american.


Cynthia said...

on top of them.. you should wear those sun-protection welding mask that asians like to wear.. so then your face won't look like african-american!

c'mon rob.. you know you want to bring the trend over!

Christopher Luk said...

Now you've got to update your camera gear list :p That's intense, you have a 70-200 VR?! That's really intense! :p

Thanks for letting me use your 12-24mm -- I forgot to lower the ISO and kept it at 1600 for the photo, so it's slightly grainy, but it's decently acceptable I guess! The noise is under pretty decent control with the D80.

Where do you upload your pictures, if at all? I would love to see some! Thanks for all your help :) It was nice to see you again :) for my pictures .. some turned out okayyyyy .. haha

Christopher Luk said...

lol .. oh, and make sure you don't get one of those visor-y welding masks (haha, I've never heard it called a welding maask before, but that's essentially what it is! :p) -- you'll look like an old decrepit asian man so fast .. :p

Cora said...

YOU"RE COMING TO HK AS WELL!!! you should tell the whole world and post it on your blog!!! YOU LOST TO ME; i've got witnesses. :) hahahhahahhahahhahahha. SEE YOU IN HK!!! bring christina as well! :)