Saturday, August 20, 2005

Stuck in Las Vegas.

I knew I wouldn't make it. I had only 30 minutes to connect from my flight out of Atlanta to my flight to Vancouver in Vegas. Aircraft problems and paperwork delayed the flight out of atlanta by an hour and lo and behold, I'm now stuck in Vegas for a day. I guess there are worst places...

I'm going out to the casinos in a few minutes...

Here's how I spent my birthday yesterday, starting at midnight to today, all time is in ET:

12:00 - 1:30am At the hotel bar, celebrating the last day of training with 30 others...
1:30-2:30am Packing
3:00am - 7:15am sleeeeeep
7:15am - 8am road travel to our training facility
8am - 12pm final exam (ugh)
12pm - 1pm lunch
1pm - 3pm final conference
3pm - 6pm road travel to airport with a stop at wendy's for a crappola dinner
6pm - 10pm check in and wait at the gate
10pm - 11pm flight delayed
11pm - 2am travel to vegas
2am - 5am missed the connecting flight, booked hotel for night and rebooked flight
6am - 11am sleep.....
11am - 12pm breakfast in the hotel
12pm - 1:30pm relax, internet
1:30pm - going to casino....

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